Throughout this course, I have learned a more focused way of thinking. I think that the GAME plan provides a sound structure for development as a teacher, and for teaching my students as well.
Developing my GAME plan throughout the course via my blog allowed me to hone in on a few standards that I would otherwise not know how to improve on by myself. It is a great step by step process. I realized that it was important to evaluate and monitor my progress throughout the process. This helped me achieve my goal in improving in the NETS standards. The blog allowed me to share my ideas with my colleagues, and for them to provide me with feedback that could improve what I was doing. This collaborative piece was fundamental. I gained a lot of great insight from others that I would not have heard had I not integrated this technology. All of these new revelations will deeply affect my teaching as anything I set out to do will now follow a process. Most importantly, any goals I set for myself or my students will really be monitored and evaluated.
I am going to immediately implement a reflective piece at the end of each quarter for my students. At the beginning of the marking period, I will have students set personal goals. Midway through, I am going to have the monitor and adjust to see how they are doing to reach the goal. Then, at the end of the quarter, they will evaluate their progress.