Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Monitoring my GAME Plan

I can say that I have taken baby steps to carry out my GAME plan. For example, I started a class discussion board as a test run. I only did this with two groups of students (grade 7) and we only tried it out for one topic, but I think it was important to do this to become familiarized with the process. I realized through this how much work it is to moderate student comments/posts.

I also already have a website, which includes a lot of the information that I would like to include on my blog to keep students AND parents in the know. I think I will have to find out how many of my parents/students actually view the website to stay abreast of happenings in the classroom.

Finally, I have recently participated in a professional development opportunity to try to promote technology. As part of a recent state mandate, I have volunteered to be part of my school's professional development committee. The people I am working with on this committee and I will use data collected to determine next year's professional development plan for our staff. We will be working on this throughout the next couple of months. I will be trying to provide more technology opportunities for my colleagues, if possible.

I do not plan on modifying my plan, as I still feel the goals I have set are worthy and attainable!


  1. Marcella, it sounds like you are doing a great job in getting you GAME plan off the ground. While maintaing a class discussion board is time consuming, I think you will see it will get easier with time. Good luck!

  2. Oletha,
    Thank you so much. I hope the blog does get easier, and I am sure that with practice it will!

  3. The discussion board was a great idea! What did you use to create the discussion board? I would like to try this in my class. From reading your blog it looks like you will be a valuable part of the PD committee! Have a great week!

    Daryl Clemons
